The Continent | Hyderabad

FAQ & Rules

Frequently asked Questions about The Continent

What is The Continent Resort?

The Continent Resort is a luxury staycation destination located in Hyderabad, offering a world of comfort, luxury and serenity in the heart of the city.

What kind of amenities does The Continent Resort offer?

The resort offers a range of world-class amenities, including spacious rooms, fine dining restaurants, outdoor swimming pool, fitness center, spa, and much more.

How do I make a reservation at The Continent Resort?

You can easily make a reservation by messaging us on WhatsApp or by calling our reservation hotline. Our team will be happy to assist you in finding the perfect room for your stay.

Is The Continent Resort suitable for families with children?

Absolutely! The resort offers a range of amenities and activities suitable for guests of all ages, including a kids' club and a family-friendly swimming pool.

Is there on-site parking available at The Continent Resort?

Yes, the resort offers secure on-site parking for guests.

Can I bring my pet to The Continent Resort?

Sorry, pets are not allowed at The Continent Resort.

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every moment

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